Smart Ecosystem for Learning and Inclusion
The overall objective of the SELI project is to develop and implement an open access set of ICT-based tools and environments to encourage the digitization of the learning ecosystem by revitalizing education, and improving inclusion and accessibility across the EU and LAC regions. Following a sustainable capacity building approach, the specific objective of the project is to use the expert knowledge of the consortium to (1) identify the challenges in the use of ICT as a tool for learning and inclusion (2) initiate broad stakeholder dialogue and consultation to screen potential educational, technical and business solutions for the challenges, (3) implement knowledge transfer of the solutions identified by a "teaching the teachers approach" and finally (4) conduct validation tests with trained teachers who will apply their knowledge to teach disadvantaged groups such as migrants, the elderly, the physically challenged, and the deaf and dumb, in order to increase their inclusion in society The expected results encompass (a) a digital platform providing access to scientific, educational and multimedia materials for learning in order to support e-accessibility, and e-inclusion, (b) the improved capacity of educators to make use of digital learning environments to support inclusion, (c) a catalogue of best practice guidelines for increased accessibility for people who have difficulties in acquiring ICT skills.