
Mon, 20/05/2019

On the 13 May 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted conclusions on EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, following the joint communication by the High Representative of the union for Foreign Affairs and Se

Mon, 08/04/2019

The Ibero-American Observatory of Science, Technology and Society (CTS) is the institutional framework in which projects such as the Intelligo explorer are developed and promoted by the Center for Higher University Studies (CAEU) of the Organization of Ibero-American States ( OEI).

Mon, 18/03/2019

Latin American Complutense School is an initiative of formative nature shared by the Complutense University and numerous Latin American universities.

Mon, 04/03/2019

Grants for the incorporation of postdoctoral research staff into the Catalan science and technology system, within the Beatriu de Pinós programme (BP 2018)

Wed, 24/10/2018


An update on the status of the initiative was presented, particularly highlighting its advantages: