Europe / Latin America / Caribbean 4th Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022 Pre-announcement
An initiative supported by the EU-LAC[1] Interest Group towards the CRA[2]
The present call announcement is a preliminary version which is not legally binding. It is provided for potentially interested applicants in order to start identifying partners and drafting proposals. The final list of participating funding organisations will be published on 24th January 2022.
As an outcome of the EU funded bi-regional ERANet-LAC project (2013-2017), the EU-LAC Interest Group (IG) was established: A group of funding agencies from LAC, EU Member States and Associated Countries wishing to cooperate in bi-regional science, technology and innovation (STI) collaboration.
The members of the EU-LAC IG will launch the 4th Joint Call on the 24th of January 2022. The final submission date will be 28th of April 2022 at 5 PM CEST. All the call documents will be available at: With this Joint Call, interested project consortia composed of partners from the countries listed below will be invited to submit project proposals.
The participating Funding Parties will provide funds and assistance of national and/or regional call contact points to support national beneficiaries in collaborative projects. The projects will be selected jointly.
One of the specificities of this upcoming joint call is that it includes four topics based on sharing large Research Infrastructures, namely in the areas of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy.
The call topics have been defined in collaboration with the EU funded projects EU-LAC ResInfra, EULAC PerMed and SINCERE.
Applicants for the 4th EU-LAC Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022
Applicants can represent public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions on national, federal or European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean regional level, research active industry and Non-Governmental Organizations and other institutions involved in research activities, as long as they are eligible for funding by their respective funding organizations (see list below) according to their respective national regulations.
Europe - Latin American & Caribbean RTI Networking & Matchmaking Platform
Applicants searching for potential European and / or Latin American & Caribbean partners are invited to register for free at the online ENRICH in LAC Matchmaking platform. This new platform enables virtual direct contacts and project initiation among RTI focussed researchers, start-ups, companies, soft landing hubs, and other organizations between the LAC region and Europe at any time.
Topics in the 4th Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022
Transnational consortia are invited to submit proposals related to the following 6 topics in the thematic fields of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy:
- Global Challenges I - Interactions and integration between the climate science, Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and other communities. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP- tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Poland, Spain (AEI), Turkey, Uruguay.
- Global Challenges II - Cross-cutting digital research infrastructure. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP- tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Spain (AEI), Turkey.
- Health I - Personalised Medicine. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP-tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Poland, Spain (AEI and ISCIII), Turkey.
- Health II - EU-LAC Regional Hubs: Integrating research infrastructures for Health and Disease. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP-tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain (AEI), Turkey, Uruguay.
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Infrastructures. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP-tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Peru, Spain (AEI), Turkey.
- Interoperability of energy data spaces for an optimized exploitation by producers and prosumers / Research Infrastructures. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP-tbc), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Spain (AEI), Turkey
Funding Organisations that have indicated their commitment in participating in the 4th EU-LAC Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022
The following programme owners confirmed their participation in the Group of Funding Parties (GPF) and their readiness to pledge financial contributions for funding the proposals selected through the Joint Call:
- Austria: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF)
- Bolivia: Ministerio de Educación - Vice Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, MINEDU
- Brazil: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico, CNPq
- Brazil: Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (CONFAP)
- Dominican Republic: Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología, MESCyT
- Germany: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF
- Italy: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
- Panama: Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, SENACYT
- Peru: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica, CONCYTEC
- Poland: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, NCBR
- Portugal: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT
- Spain: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII
- Spain: Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI
- Turkey: Turkiye Bilimsel vê Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu, TUBITAK
- Uruguay: Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, ANII
- The duration of a project may not exceed 36 months.
- Call documents will be available as of 24th January 2022 at
- The Call will be open from 24th January to 28th April 2022.
- Proposals must be submitted online in English, via an Electronic Submission System accessible at
For further information, please contact:
Project Management Agency at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR-PT)
Unit “European and International Cooperation”
Marianne Vaske: Tel.: +49 228 3821 – 1439 / Anneken Reise: Tel: +49 228 3821 – 1241
[1] European Union (EU) – Latin American and Caribbean (LAC)
[2] Common Research Area